Do you know web site/blog loading site in any browser matter in the reader's Faith. If our Site loads faster than user can access more and more page in few time. But if we are not taking this consideration of website/blog loading time then maybe we are losing our readers and visitors. So test your website loading time free of cost on the web.
Website Speed Test is a free online utility tool by Iwebtools. It’s free and takes only 10 seconds to check the speed of our blog's loading time. I tested my Blog Blogging in Web 2.0 beta it takes just 3 seconds to verify the loading speed. It helps us to optimize the blog's template to increase the loading time to maximum speed.
Above picture is a report for testing speed of my blog.
Website Speed Test is a free online utility tool by Iwebtools. It’s free and takes only 10 seconds to check the speed of our blog's loading time. I tested my Blog Blogging in Web 2.0 beta it takes just 3 seconds to verify the loading speed. It helps us to optimize the blog's template to increase the loading time to maximum speed.
hey i liked your provided tool & i got to know that my site is pretty good in loading speed & that make me feeling happy!
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