Here is a post "Scheduled posting is currently unreliable for some users. We're looking into this and will post and update when we have more to share." at this link Blogger Posts Are Not Scheduled. This problem is under outstanding label that means they are trying to solve this problem. As soon as they solved this problem, they will post a quick note for other on this blog. So now until the problem is not solved I have to post regularly without scheduling my posts.
Problem of Blogger Posts Are Not Scheduled
Here is a post "Scheduled posting is currently unreliable for some users. We're looking into this and will post and update when we have more to share." at this link Blogger Posts Are Not Scheduled. This problem is under outstanding label that means they are trying to solve this problem. As soon as they solved this problem, they will post a quick note for other on this blog. So now until the problem is not solved I have to post regularly without scheduling my posts.
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