Review about My Blog's Email Subscribers:-How much my subscribers are increasing

Review about My Blog's Email Subscribers:-How much my subscribers are increasing | Blogging In Web 2.0 Beta
How Can I Increase my Blog's Traffic” this is the first question comes into the mind of every blogger. If we are new and have a very small list of posts on our blog then definitively we have less traffic. Less traffic means less revenue. And we have less revenue then we think that we are doing something wrong. As we have tried every point of SEO, Search Engine optimization, Keywords, and content quality. Like me many are there who have very less traffic in the starting of blog. But they don't think about the Subscribers of the Blog. They Are our permanently readers. And if we are growing with a great ration of the subscriber then we are winning the blogging success.

John Chow’s article about How I Made Over $4,000 In One Day Yes it is true. He has a bigger subscribers list of app. 48000. Means 48000 peoples are waiting for his updates. We think that the subscribers are not healthy for our blog but we are wrong. We didn't setup feed burner email subscription and offer our updates by email. So we are losing our readers.

Below are the some Snap shots of my Email Subscribers the ratio of the verified email is very less but you can check how many people’s daily subscribes to my blog. That means people are interested into my blog's Content and they really love to receive my Blogs Update by Mails.

In last I just want to say if we have very less traffic but not offering our updates by email or any other way then we are losing a big part of blogging. So go setup feed burner email subscription form now. See the difference in your blogging success. To My Subscribers I want to request please verify your emails by clicking on the verified link sent to you by feed burner. Thanks a lot for supporting my blog.

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